Sagamore Hills Elementary School1865 Alderbrook Rd. NE
Atlanta, GA 30345
(678) 874-7502-telephone
(678) 874-7510-fax
Sagamore Hills Elementary School has served the community since opening in 1961 and today has a culturally diverse student body ranging from four-year-olds in our lottery funded pre-K class to ten-year-olds in our 5th grade classes. Our school promotes a positive learning environment and encourages students to strive toward their potential in intellectual, social, emotional, physical, and creative development. Five of our classes are comprised of 35 mildly and moderately handicapped students from our own neighborhood and also from nearby schools.
Sagamore Hills is located in the greater Atlanta, Georgia area. It is a feeder school for Henderson Middle School and Lakeside High School. The faculty and staff at Sagamore Hills School are committed to providing quality educational experiences in order for the students to develop skills necessary for life-long learning.
The mission of Sagamore Hills Elementary School is to form a collaborative effort between home and school that maximizes students' social and academic potential, preparing them to be 21st Century learners able to compete in a global society.
The vision of Sagamore Hills Elementary School is to establish a solid foundation for a lifetime of learning.
We Believe That
All students can learn, achieve and succeed in different ways
Students learn best when actively engaged in the learning process
Teachers, parents, and the community share the responsibility for the support of the school’s mission
Each student is a valued individual with unique physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs
Sagamore strives to provide a caring and secure environment, to involve the total community in the education of children, and to encourage each child to set and achieve his or her own academic goals. Our focus for the coming year will be writing and mathematics with a continual emphasis on reading and organizational skills. Our goal is that all students will demonstrate significant progress in each academic subject and leave with the skills, knowledge, character, work ethic and habits necessary to ensure success as they continue their education.
Extra Programs at Sagamore
-“Book Buddies” offers a student in grades K and 3, 1 and 4, and 2 and 5 supportive relationships based on reading and writing together that carry over into other aspects of the school day.
-Our five classes of special education students take art, music, physical education and other academic classes as appropriate, creating an appreciation among all students for the special attributes of each child.
-A winter and spring concert, musical play or dramatic performance, and a talent show, occur every year that showcases our strong music program and commitment to the performing arts.
-Sagamore’s art program and annual Art Extravaganza also enrich each student’s education and showcases his or her talent.
-Gifted students have an opportunity to experience challenging coursework and stimulation through the Discovery Program.
An outdoor classroom, butterfly garden, numerous flower and herb beds, and class vegetable gardens, enhance school grounds
-Physical fitness is emphasized through offering PE four times or more per week, daily recess, fitness events such as the Turkey Trot and Field Day and an after school running club, as well as our encouragement of walking to school on the International Walk to School day and throughout the year.
A commitment to cultural diversity is reinforced through an annual International Week in which each class focuses on a particular country culminating in a nighttime Festival with booths representing each country’s food, geography and cultural offerings.